Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Vedio Of How To Use Susten

Naka Naka-né

Certains adverbes japonais n'ont pas d'équivalents français. Naka Naka nakanaka en est un. Je trouve ces exemples dans mon dictionnaire japonais-français, qui ne donne d'ailleurs pas la définition du mot en français.
cold this year, easily. Kotosi-wa [Kotoshi-wa] nakanaka samui . Il fait bien froid cette année.
to take time to get there easily. Soko-e-ni-wa Yuku nakanaka zikan-ga [-ga jikan] kakaru . We need enough time to go.
彼 は なかなか 笑わない. Kare-wa-nai nakanaka Warawa. He rarely laughs.
As the last sentence is a negation, we could translate: He does not laugh often enough. Thus, the word would mean "enough", "good" or "fairly well (often). These translations are quite correct, but insufficient to understand the adverb.
This word actually means "contrary to expectations (more or less extended). For example, the singer in my area MIKAMI Kan, which is known for its weird texts, has a song called "Nakanaka" in his repertoire. He sings この 牛 丼 は なかなか だ Kono gyudon nakanaka-wa-da . The gyudon (beef bowl) is a dish traditionally served in the Sobaya (noodle), but it is now considered a dish representing the Japanese fast food.

The franchise chain Yosinoya [Yoshinoya], which has stores throughout Japan, is proposing that this dish. It is not expensive at all, but rather rich. However, it is not expected to good quality. Therefore, "Kono gyudon nakanaka-wa-da " means "For gyudon , it is not bad." You can say
あなた の 料理 は なかなか おいしい Anata-no-wa Ryôri nakanaka oïsii [Oishii] (You're a good cook cons pending) without shock, in a certain context. This is where that person would have warned you it was not a good cook, by modesty or not. (I must say that this is not a great compliment, either.)
should consider the idea of this adverb to understand employment "irregular" in the word 全然 Zenzen .
I read in a book MARUI Saïichi, the novelist who translated The Ulysses of James Joyce in Japanese and a defender of the old spelling, this acecdote fun. Misima [MISHIMA] and Yukio Ito [Itoh] Sei, the novelist who was charged with indecent assault for the translation of Lady Chatterley attended a symposium of the Japanese literature. An American has dealt with them in a cafe, and they started saying, "I will never admit your writing, because you use the word that is Zenzen not followed by denial! ".
全然 Zenzen is an adverb that should always be followed by denial (or trial négtatif) according to the grammar. It means" no "," no. "But, sorry for the American scholar Japanese literature, Soseki and Akutagawa even used Zenzen which is not followed by denial woe! In this job always considered at fault by most Japanese, the word carries a positive assessment. For example:
この 小説 は 全然 おもしろい よ. Kono syôsétu-wa [Shosetsu-wa] Zenzen omosiroï-yo [omoshiroï-yo] . This novel is very interesting. (Familiar )
The caller expects the negation この 小説 は 全然 おもしろくない Kono syôsétu-wa [Shosetsu-wa] Zenzen omosiroku-nai [omoshiroku-nai] (This novel is not any interest) due Zenzen he had heard, but the word does not appear Sinai at the end of the sentence, contrary to what he expected. (In this case, we can not use nakanaka because the wait is very short.) That's why this job is often familiar angry people. But some linguists "progressives" say so. Even in this familiar work, there is a reason for the denial. As for the word nakanaka the speaker imagined that this novel was not interesting. But nakanaka can only give a moderate ruling.この 小説 は なかなか おもしろい よ Kono syôsétu-wa [Shosetsu-wa] nakanaka omosiroï-yo [omoshiroï-yo] means "Unlike I imagined (or so they said), this novel is quite interesting. "The use of the word Zenzen means that this expectation was wrong betrayed a quite unexpected, until so much so that the speaker pronounces the phrase that strikes even the good sense to the listener who expects the trial because of negative word Zenzen . Under this assumption, the sentence この 小説 は 全然 おもしろい よ syôsétu Kono- wa [wa-Shosetsu] Zenzen omosiroï-yo [omoshiroï-yo] may be an abbreviation Freestyle This novel is completely de I thought it was interesting, very interesting I Kono syôsétu-wa [shôsétsu-wa] zenzen omosiroku-naï-ka-to [omoshiroku-naï-ka-to] omot- té-i-ta-no-ni, totémo omosiroï-yo [omoshiroï-yo] (J'imaginais que ce roman n'était pas du tout intéressant, mais il est très intéressant par contre).
Quant à la phrase at all OK Zenzen okkê (Tout à fait agree), she carries the nuance may be this: "You think maybe I do not agree, but surprise! I agree!".
Anyway, if you are French speaking Japanese, you're not supposed to imitate the bad example, deliberately provocative, which often annoys people. I understand this rather American who anathematized to Misima [Mishima] and Ito [Itoh] when such use was not as widespread. It is still grammatically incorrect, and derives its strength from the defect.


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