Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How To Make A Castle For School Poroject

eat (Rinku) kuu (manger)

Some of you will probably say "But this is not 食べる (たべる) ( tabéru ), the Japanese verb which means to eat? " Exactly, but originally tabéru is a "word of Women" ( nyôbô -kotoba), once used by women at court, whose use was widespread thereafter (see previous story ). It is true that the word was kuu virtually supplanted by tabéru now at least in conversation "polite" but the verb used in the dining phrases and expressions is always kuu but never tabéru .
Moreover, it is a kind of "wisdom" widespread even among supposedly educated people, who considers kuu like a bad word or a vulgar word. Kuu is not as polished as speaking women at court. This does not mean that the word be unwise.
If you have the opportunity, ask a Japanese person if they think the word kuu is a vulgar word. I bet he would reply that yes with 80% probability. They also speak of some "bad luck" of the word kuu. He did nothing, but it is not as elegant as tabéru . An explanation if I deliberately imaged, you would understand that the inspiration of this word is to receive the manna of God: the verb shows an action below someone gets something from someone there above. Simply kuu had no chance to be as sublime. And yet I am compelled to advise you exclusive use of tabéru because kuu may offend some people, even if it is not his fault.

By cons, you should not forget that idioms can not be modified as you want. Indeed, some of my compatriots feel free to alter, because kuu is a bad word! But you do not follow these bad examples, caricatures of political correctness. This provides only hilarious effects from honest people.
For example, there is a saying "friendship since the days when we ate rice in the same pot" 同じ 釜 の 飯 を 食った 仲 (おなじ かま の めし を くった なか) ( Onaji kama-no mesh-o-kut ta naka ). Probably military in origin, it is used only for behaviors that boys spent youth (adolescent and post-adolescent) together. As you can modify four hundred rounds in four hundred fifty strokes or four thousand shots, you should not touch the expression even if you are vulgar words and meshi kuu. It is absurd to replace kuu the word women tabéru , because this term is reserved for boys. But unfortunately, we sometimes see that some reporters grow at the end politically correct sensitivity. Years ago, former Prime Minister Takeshita talked a colleague using this expression. The TV image has passed. But the next day, newspapers have corrected the verb kuu in tabéru ... This only people laugh.
I give other examples of compound words and phrases with the verb kuu for your curiosity. (I think the verb tabéru enters any phrase, however.)

食いしん坊 (くい しんぼう) ( kuïshinbô ) Gourmand.

食Wazugirai (Girai Kuwazu) ( kuwa-zu-giraï ) Kuwazu (négation de kuu ) + hate ( kiraï ) Détester une chose sans l'avoir mangée. Figurément: Avertion naturelle, fondée sur les préjugés (généralement frivoles et peu graves). SF is 食Wazugirai. "Je n'aime pas la science fiction, bien que je n'en aie jamais lu."

loiter (a Miti Saku くう) ( Michikusa-o kuu ) Literally eating grass on the road. Do not go directly home (often after school). (The inspiration may be the same as truancy, if the meaning is somewhat different.) Drag unnecessarily. Make a detour without much need for (straying into an argument).

食う や 食わず (くう や くわず) ( kuu-zu-ya Kuwa ) Literally: To eat or not eat. Be in poverty. Get to the point where we no longer find anything to eat.

食いもの の うらみ (くい ものの Grudge) ( kuïmono-no urami ) Ressentiment pour une bouffe. Je ne sais d'où vient cette expression proverbiale. On dit souvent a grudge is scary predatory (peg suffers what is frightening) ( kuïmono-no urami-wa kowaï ), qui dit "Le ressentiment pour la bouffe porte une grave conséquence". "La personne que tu n'as pas bien nourrie se vengera sur toi un jour." On le dit plaisammant quand on distribue les portions d'un plat ou d'un dessert, en insistant sur l'égalité, par exemple.

食Wanai quarrels are dogs (like the Fu fight いぬ も くわない) ( Fufu-Genk-wa inu-mo Kuwana) Proverb. Literal translation: Even the dog does not eat the hassle of household (gender). "Hey lovers, nobody cares what happens between you." ( Fûfugenka = fufu + Kenka )

I must say now we hear less often 食いもの の うらみ ( kuïmono Urami -no) that 食べもの の うらみ ( tabémono Urami -no). This is probably because it is register an expression of childish. Mom does not like to hear her child say kuu. In the same logic, 食わずぎらい (Kuwa-zu giraï ) is increasingly threatened by 食べずぎらい ( Tabé-zu giraï ). Mum said "You have to eat everything!" For other expressions, substituting 食べる is ridiculous. (It happens that some say bourgeois 道草 を 食べる ( Michikusa tabéru -o), but it is bizarre and laughable. But as it is an expression on the kids, it is possible that this spread use in the future.)

(I refer to tests TAKASHIMA Toshio, academic specialist in Chinese literature.)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Toshiba Satellite A200-10x

money (our money) okané (Argent)

The operation of the prefix o- in Japanese is often poorly explained. They say it adds to the word respect. Indeed, this is not fake, but this is only the first use. How can we understand お 尻 ( Oshiri ) then? The word means buttocks. The Japanese do they respect the buttocks? Perhaps, but this is not the case. This prefix o- is used in this case to soften the dry character, even vulgar, the word. The job comes from the custom of women in the imperial court at the origin (女房 ことば, nyôbô -kotoba).女 房 (に ょうぼう) ことば (the words of women) is now used by everyone regardless of gender. We can probably say that this prefix exorcise the bad side of the word. (The prefix is not "productive" for this purpose. You can not invent new combinations, while you can add o- loosely when it comes to compliance.)
o The front- the word money okan (お金) must be understood in that sense. It is true that the Japanese contemporary commercialism is exaggerated, but it's fair to say that the Japanese add this suffix to show their deep respect for money. We must rather believe that the money was a dirty character in Japanese imagery.
However, the use of this word okan can not be universal. One feels vaguely that comes from the suffix-kotoba nyôbô . Is not it a little inappropriate to use a word when talking about women seriously economics? Yet the word Kané without o- now felt too dry and rough for the Japanese completely accustomed to the words of women.
Therefore, they resorted to their usual trick. We borrow the word of English! Thus, one hears the word virtually money (マネー), when TV and radio talk about the international economy. In other cases, we use words of Chinese origin which mean "money" or "capital" to the context. Japanese students may conduct investigations on the question: How do people "serious" avoid using the word okan when they talk about the economy?

Monday, October 13, 2008

What Happens If Your Belly Rumbles

Image image

The use of katakana poses many problems for people who want to learn Japanese. My readers already know without doubt that these characters are used in Japanese to write words of foreign origin in a more or less arbitrary. I speak of one problem today, the words that should be logically identical, but whose meanings, or rather the jobs will vary curiously Japanese.
I quote the word "image" as an example. I am not concerned for the moment the intellectual laziness of the first Japanese who did not bother to translate it into Japanese. He has transcribed phonetically in English as a word that meant the psychological picture. The word in katakana is イメージ ( i-me-ji ) in this case. But curiously, very unfortunately, some Japanese Francophiles have started using another word イマージュ ( i-ma-ju ), when they were writing about French poetry. But what is the semantic difference between these two words, and イメージ イマージュ? We can say that it is only used in the arts, poetry and cinema In particular, while this one is intended for general use. In a word, the word is a word イマージュ scholar, who is underused by people who did not graduate studies at the college of letters. Therefore, the difference between these two words is less than social semantics.
I give another example of a different register: coconut. As the commodity, the result is called ココ椰子 (ここやし) koko-Yasha . The word Yashi is the overall name for the group of palms. But if the fruit is used for the use industrial, it is called ココナツ (ko-ko -na-tsu ), came the English word coconuts. Thus, ココナツ オイル ( ko-ko-tsu-na-ru-oi ) Is coconut oil. Since the 80s, the Japanese began to use another word ナタデココ ( na-ta-ko-ko-de ), of English origin ( nata de coco), when there is a food ingredient . It seems that the Japanese use this word for the soft material in the nuts. She was called before with the same name " coconuts" but this is the campaign that wanted a different name for the same material, which promulgated the English name that was to be chic for a new dessert, while the word "coconut" was already looking a little nerdy.
For coffee, it's a little similar. The image of the French was once fashionable, but the name カフェオレ ( ka-fe-o-re ) quickly became commonplace. That is why there are a lot of institutions offering the drink カフェラテ ( ka-ra-fe-ty ) since the 80s. The word comes from Italian (caffè latte ). Well sure they do not say it was the same as the coffee カフェオレ with a different name. It would have been bad publicity. They said by cons: No, this is not the same thing, a new product to fashion, caffe latte is coffee with milk in Italian! But in truth, there is not any difference between these two things, what they claim. Nevertheless, there are always people who ask the question in vain, because no one has ever been clear on this subject. The existence of people who do not " coconuts" and " nata de coco "not surprised at all because the snobs affirm their difference based on nothing. They are different simply because the difference is inexplicable.
Thus the words in katakana are often marked by the snobbery of more empty and futile.