Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best Temperature To Run Wood Stove

18 - Alexis Dabin This Proudhon and mutualism February 10, 2011

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Tier 1 PJ Proudhon
Proudhon's philosophy from what appears to be the two essential principles of his thought: Justice and mutuality.
These two concepts form the grid reading of the whole of his work . Proudhon envisaged as interpersonal relationships, economic or political relations in through the prism of these two principles. They allow him to navigate the maze of social issues and give concrete answers to the many problems affecting society.
The French Revolution is a milestone in the history of law. In the Old Regime, the society was organized hierarchically, with men were seen as inherently unequal. Proudhon said that with the French Revolution, "the spirit of morals and legislation [change] from top to bottom. More subordination of man to man, therefore more hierarchy, more church, more than dogma, more faith. " According to him, with the proclamation in 1789 of the principles of freedom and equal rights, social order is virtually transformed.

But if the Revolution was formally abolished the old social order and established the principles of a new organization of society, the revolutionaries could not deduce any practical consequences. They were unable to identify the specific rules of organization of society that guarantees everyone the freedom and equality rights. The law has not been reformed in all its branches according to newly proclaimed principles. Since this reform has not been fully resolved, the company remains the nineteenth century, in large part, subject to rules of the old legal order. The arbitrary standards, the system of privileges and social inequality that we hoped to have abolished, continue, still more virulent than under the old regime.


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