The meeting with Chinese writing was unfortunate for the Japanese language that did not even belong to the family of Sino-Tibetan languages, but the Japanese had virtually no choice, because of the lack of other civilizations that had a writing system in the neighborhood. Chinese characters are a system that suits only the Chinese language. The potential evidence is that other nations, Korean or Vietnamese, have rejected these ideograms in the long run to adopt the analytical letters. Some linguists say that Japanese are only people who have managed to "tame" the Chinese characters. Their peculiarity is that they have used these Kanji both phonetically and semantically.
In Japanese, there are two kinds of pronunciations of Chinese characters: on'yomi and kun'yomi . The first pronunciation is theoretically true that Chinese Middle Ages (about the eighth century), and the second "translation" of the character in Japanese. It is observed that the element " yomi" means reading, not the pronunciation, which can perhaps conclude that the characters Chinese still something to read, which is always alien to the Japanese language. For on'yomi (phonetic reading), a kanji door than two syllables in Japanese, but there may be up to five syllables for kun'yomi (semantic reading) of a single sign . a kanji can have two on'yomi depending on the time of import (rarely three, very rarely four), but the number is theoretically unlimited for kun'yomi . (See Note)
In the modern Chinese language, a character represents a syllable that ends or the vowel, or a limited number of consonants: n, ng, r. But she had other syllables in the Middle Ages, which ended with the consonants: k, t, p . The on'yomi Japanese Kanji that eventually the k or t is currently two syllables, because the Japanese did not theoretically closed syllables added a vowel after the consonant. (For the p, otherwise it is a complicated matter, that I omit to mention here.)
You probably say that the Japanese language has syllables with n . But we can say that this consonant is a syllable independent except for Japanese (or a time, for those who think the term is abused syllable here). The curious syllable ん (n ) was invented to imitate the pronunciation of Chinese. If you find that the Japanese pronounce the consonants n, ng, m or nasal vowels in a strange way to your ears is that these nasal sounds have never been appropriated by the Japanese who have never constantly confused.
Reading on'yomi of kanji is 息 soku . This means that the original pronunciation was about sok the Middle Ages. But on'yomi a kanji does almost nothing to say in Japanese, except for signs which were a foreign concept to the Japanese language (for example, the reading of on'yomi 爱 is ai , love, which means that the abstract notion of love did not exist in Japan before it knows the Chinese civilization). It is generally caracère Chinese on'yomi alongside another kanji to on'yomi . For example, the word 休息 ( kyûsoku ) does the rest, which both the characters are on'yomi . A kanji on'yomi door to a stable meaning only accompanied by another kanji. A calls another kanji kanji for stability as ionized atoms. This linguistic phenomenon finds its origin in the Chinese language, most of whose words are two signs or two syllables for the Chinese, who are quite often four syllables in Japanese. Words on two (or three) at Kanji on'yomi are words of Chinese or Japanese words that were invented by the Chinese model. The
kun'yomi of this kanji is 息 iki, meaning breath. One of the major problems of writing the Japanese language is that kun'yomi , the translation of the ideogram, blurred eyes at the origin of words. The Japanese word for "living" is 生きる Ikiru (the title of the film by Kurosawa), which has the same origin as the breath iki. If we write these words in Latin letters, there was no difficulty in recognizing, but this is not the case for ordinary Japanese, who learn the words with ideograms. The son is
息 子 ( musuko ) and daughter 娘 ( musume ), whose reading of kun'yomi are the two words. The non-Japanese who learn Japanese easily recognize the common element musu ("birth [to life]" in ancient Japanese), but the Japanese are not at all aware of what these two words have the same etymon, especially since one is two signs and the other one.
NB It manufactures new kun'yomi daily, and the situation is now disastrous. The names of new-born is truly illegible. Unfortunately, there is no way to decipher the code of these young parents (who often had difficulties in schools is their image at least), so it must go ask them how they should read the name of their beloved child. (This is their revenge in my opinion, because they had the wrong notes in Japanese.) This is in part the fault of advertisers who will not stop destroying the Japanese. For example, if the slogan like "I • 爱 YOU", the kun'yomi Kanji of course, is "LOVE". It does not surprise me that there are girls who are so called: 爱 (Love ).
In Japanese, there are two kinds of pronunciations of Chinese characters: on'yomi and kun'yomi . The first pronunciation is theoretically true that Chinese Middle Ages (about the eighth century), and the second "translation" of the character in Japanese. It is observed that the element " yomi" means reading, not the pronunciation, which can perhaps conclude that the characters Chinese still something to read, which is always alien to the Japanese language. For on'yomi (phonetic reading), a kanji door than two syllables in Japanese, but there may be up to five syllables for kun'yomi (semantic reading) of a single sign . a kanji can have two on'yomi depending on the time of import (rarely three, very rarely four), but the number is theoretically unlimited for kun'yomi . (See Note)
In the modern Chinese language, a character represents a syllable that ends or the vowel, or a limited number of consonants: n, ng, r. But she had other syllables in the Middle Ages, which ended with the consonants: k, t, p . The on'yomi Japanese Kanji that eventually the k or t is currently two syllables, because the Japanese did not theoretically closed syllables added a vowel after the consonant. (For the p, otherwise it is a complicated matter, that I omit to mention here.)
You probably say that the Japanese language has syllables with n . But we can say that this consonant is a syllable independent except for Japanese (or a time, for those who think the term is abused syllable here). The curious syllable ん (n ) was invented to imitate the pronunciation of Chinese. If you find that the Japanese pronounce the consonants n, ng, m or nasal vowels in a strange way to your ears is that these nasal sounds have never been appropriated by the Japanese who have never constantly confused.
Reading on'yomi of kanji is 息 soku . This means that the original pronunciation was about sok the Middle Ages. But on'yomi a kanji does almost nothing to say in Japanese, except for signs which were a foreign concept to the Japanese language (for example, the reading of on'yomi 爱 is ai , love, which means that the abstract notion of love did not exist in Japan before it knows the Chinese civilization). It is generally caracère Chinese on'yomi alongside another kanji to on'yomi . For example, the word 休息 ( kyûsoku ) does the rest, which both the characters are on'yomi . A kanji on'yomi door to a stable meaning only accompanied by another kanji. A calls another kanji kanji for stability as ionized atoms. This linguistic phenomenon finds its origin in the Chinese language, most of whose words are two signs or two syllables for the Chinese, who are quite often four syllables in Japanese. Words on two (or three) at Kanji on'yomi are words of Chinese or Japanese words that were invented by the Chinese model. The
kun'yomi of this kanji is 息 iki, meaning breath. One of the major problems of writing the Japanese language is that kun'yomi , the translation of the ideogram, blurred eyes at the origin of words. The Japanese word for "living" is 生きる Ikiru (the title of the film by Kurosawa), which has the same origin as the breath iki. If we write these words in Latin letters, there was no difficulty in recognizing, but this is not the case for ordinary Japanese, who learn the words with ideograms. The son is
息 子 ( musuko ) and daughter 娘 ( musume ), whose reading of kun'yomi are the two words. The non-Japanese who learn Japanese easily recognize the common element musu ("birth [to life]" in ancient Japanese), but the Japanese are not at all aware of what these two words have the same etymon, especially since one is two signs and the other one.
NB It manufactures new kun'yomi daily, and the situation is now disastrous. The names of new-born is truly illegible. Unfortunately, there is no way to decipher the code of these young parents (who often had difficulties in schools is their image at least), so it must go ask them how they should read the name of their beloved child. (This is their revenge in my opinion, because they had the wrong notes in Japanese.) This is in part the fault of advertisers who will not stop destroying the Japanese. For example, if the slogan like "I • 爱 YOU", the kun'yomi Kanji of course, is "LOVE". It does not surprise me that there are girls who are so called: 爱 (Love ).